Milialar – The Skin Care Issue!

Dealing with skin problems is a sensitive matter. A lot of issues related to derma are of great concern. I will discuss a skin condition called Milialar I noticed in my two-month-old baby.

Milialar Cyst is developed by Keratin trapped under the skin in superficial layers. Also, it is caused by dead skin trapped under the skin and looks like tiny bumps on the face.

Let’s come to explore all possible causes and solutions to the problem. 

What is Milialar? – Get Yourself Introduced!

Milialar is a typical Turkish term that refers to small bumps of cysts appearing on the skin around the eyes, especially the eyelids, and appear as tiny pearls embedded under the skin. They range in size from 1-2 mm typically. 

Usually, these Bumps are harmless but are offensive due to their unwanted appearance on the face, making an unconfident complexion. The most important thing to remember is that Milialar is not a type of acne. 

Furthermore, the Milialar bumps look like yellowish-white textures on the skin’s surface. These bumps are often found in newborns. But, sometimes, this can also happen in adults. 

Common Symptoms of Milialar – How To Know!

Concerning symptoms can vary depending on the milia types. The most commonly occurring kind of military is primary milia, the symptoms of which are the appearance of small bumps having a whitish or yellowish appearance. These are almost 1-2 mm in size. 

Moreover, the most common thing about milia is its appearance around the eyes or cheeks. In addition, these bumps can also be on the face, i.e., nose or forehead. 

Note for your knowledge that these bumps are not at all painful or itchy, but these are of cosmetic concern for some people. 

After discussing the symptoms of primary milia, jump to the secondary milia. This type of bump appears after an injury or trauma happens to the skin, i.e., skin burns or blisters. 

Moreover, this type of milialar occurs longer than primary milia, and most of the time, it appears in clusters rather than individual bumps.

Consequently, it is recommended to consult a dermatologist if you ever notice the sign of secondary milialar, as this is of great concern, unlike primary milialar. 

Causes of Milialar Bumps – Why The Problem Arise!

The tiny minute bumps on the skin can leave your skin with a mysterious problem when you don’t know the reasons for the happening. Here, we will shed light on the causes of milialar appearance on the skin. 

  1. The most common cause of milialar is dead skin buildups or oil deposits in skin pores. In these cases, a small cyst is produced under the skin, where these substances get trapped, resulting in military production. This is due to improper skin care, local creams, and moisturizers that can clog your skin pores with excessive oil. 
  2. The next possible cause of these bumps production is hormonal fluctuations. The hormonal changes during menopause, pregnancy, and puberty can affect the body’s natural processes and sometimes cause milialar development. 
  3. Unusual and excessive unprotected sunlight exposure contribute speedily to milialar production. The UV rays can damage the skin by disturbing the natural processes, ultimately leading to skin issues like milialar. 
  4. Some medical conditions like blistering problems or immunity disorders can increase the risk of milialar and some likely issues. 
  5. The genetic history of an affected milialar enhances the possibility of the milialar if one of his ancestors has the problem. 

Types of Milialar Depending on Different Conditions – Know The Diverse Milia!

Primary Milia:

The direct millia formation after keratin embedding under the skin is termed primary milialar, most commonly observed in neonates due to immature sweet ducts. 

This type is commonly found on the cheeks, nose, around the eyes, and the face. Moreover, this often resolves automatically after a week or more. 

Secondary Milialar:

The Nest type is Secoday milialar, which happens due to any injury or trauma occurring to the skin. This can also be due to using local skin products that could be of better quality. This type of milia often resolves in infants spontaneously. 

Neonatal Milia:

This type of milialar is the primary milia found in newborns that become clear after some weeks or days. Usually, the cyst is seen on the scalp, face, and upper torso. 

Juvenile Milialar:

Significantly rarely occurring genetic problems affecting the skin can lead to the milia problem called juvenile milialar. These genetic disorders are the following:

  • Pachyonychia Congenita – thick or abnormally shaped nails are formed in this condition. 
  • Bazex Dupre Christol Syndrome – hair growth and the ability to sweat are disturbed greatly in this condition. 
  • Gardener’s Syndrome – the scarce genetic issue causing colon cancer.
  • Nevoid Basal Cell Carcinoma Syndrome – the disease that affects basal cell carcinoma. 

How To Dignose Milialar? – Suspect the Problem!

To diagnose a medical condition like miliaria, healthcare professionals employ a systematic approach. 

Firstly, they gather relevant information through a thorough medical history, focusing on recent exposure to heat, humidity, or excessive sweating. 

Subsequently, a comprehensive physical examination is conducted to assess the characteristic features of miliaria, such as small, red, or white bumps on the skin. 

In some cases, diagnostic tools like skin biopsy may be employed for a definitive diagnosis. 

Additionally, healthcare providers may inquire about associated symptoms like itching or discomfort. 

Medical professionals can accurately identify and diagnose miliaria through this meticulous process, formulating an appropriate treatment plan.

All Possible Treatment Methods of The Milialar – 


The therapist uses a sterile needle to pick out the cyst from the skin in this method. This method is slightly painful but not very problematic. 

Chemical Peels:

The products chemically designed to peel off the first layer of skin are applied to remove the upper layer of skin and expose the cyst residue, which skin care specialists remove. 


In this method, liquid nitrogen is used that freezes the milialar content. This is the most commonly used method to remove milia. 


In a properly managed way, extreme heating exposure by dermatologists kills the cyst germs and hence is a way to treat the problem. 

Destruction Curretage:

A surgical method to remove cysts by cauterizing the first skin layer. This is done when the condition of the milialar prevails for a long time and cannot be cured with basic treatment methods. 

Laser Ablation:

Protective laser treatment focuses on the affected areas of the face to remove the cyst, which is commonly used and is of better result production. 

Topical Retinoids:

Some ointments or skin care creams containing vitamin A are used to exfoliate the skin, gradually removing the cyst. This is the easiest method; you can do it at home, but it takes some time to complete.

Some Preventive Measures – Pre-treat The Issue!

  • Avoid unnecessary exposure to sunlight, and clean your skin with quality sunscreens when the need to go out arises. 
  • Try using skin care products that contain salicylic acid, lactic acid, or benzoyl acid, as these effectively minimize the effects of milialar. 
  • Try to intake less antibiotics. Ensure the dose is in dire need, and avoid frequent use as it can be damaging. 
  • Avoid harsh scrubbing on your face, and apply the scrub gently. 
  • Stay hydrated and keep check on dryness of the skin. 

Home Remedies to Treat Milialar – Try Natural Ways!

For home remedies to alleviate miliaria, there are several accessible and effective options. One can begin by applying a cool compress to the affected areas, instantly soothing the skin and reducing inflammation. 

Another soothing remedy involves indulging in oatmeal baths, known for calming irritated skin. Aloe vera gel, with its renowned cooling properties, can be gently applied to the rash-prone regions for relief. 

Creating a paste using cornstarch and water proves beneficial in absorbing excess moisture and aiding the drying process. Calamine lotion, a classic remedy, not only soothes itching but also contributes to the healing of the rash. 

Moreover, proper hydration by drinking ample water is essential, as it regulates body temperature and promotes overall skin health. Chilled cucumber slices can be placed on affected areas to enhance cooling.

When managing miliaria, it’s advisable to avoid harsh soaps and instead opt for mild, fragrance-free options to prevent further irritation and maintain the skin’s pH balance. 

Additionally, allowing the skin to air-dry naturally after a bath or shower and opting for loose, breathable clothing made of natural fabrics like cotton can further facilitate healing.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Is Milialar The Same Problem As Acne?

No, it is not too confused with acne. These are different from acne. As acne is itching or painful, the milia are not at all itchy and chemically distinct from acne. 

Do Skin Therapists Recommend Peeling Of Milia Bumps By Hand?

No, this is not a good thing to do with your skin, as it can cause germs to spread and lead the problem to expand. This is prohibited in all ways, either if you are treating acne or milialar. 

Is It A Great Concern to Consult a Doctor When Noticing the Milialar Symptoms?

Normally, milialar resolves after some time. It is not recommended to consult a doctor at the very initial stage. But, if you think that the condition prevails for a long time, visit a skin care professional. 


A problem of cyst bumps formation of the skin is milialar. This is caused by Keratin deposited under superficial layers of skin. Moreover, due to dead skin deposition, this problem can happen.